Welcome to my Blog
Here, I share what I’ve seen, what I’ve done, and the lessons I’ve learned in my Entrepreneurial Journey which will help you in your journey too in the form of blog posts.
Social Media Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide
I don’t think I need to tell you how big social media is. Social media is the fastest growing trend in the history of the world. This sector has grown faster than the internet itself. Within the first 10 years of being publicly available, the internet managed to...
A Beginner’s Social Media Guide for Small Businesses
Are you ready to connect with a wider audience? Want to know the best ways to leverage social media for your small business? If you haven’t used social media to market your products and services, you’re going to love how easy it is to get started. In this article,...
The Beginner’s Guide To Content Marketing
The Beginner’s Guide To Content Marketing Content marketing is a relatively new type of marketing that provides free media-type content to customers in exchange for their attention. Unlike traditional advertising which interrupts customers to get noticed, content...
A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Email Marketing
“You’ve got mail.” Do you remember hearing that? It’s one of those legendary pieces of Internet history formed when the road was still being paved and we were foraging our way through the wilderness of what was the original World Wide Web. Although times have changed...
SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
SEO. You hear the term all the time, but how do you actually rank higher in the search engines? I know when I first heard the term, it sounded like some voodoo magic that only a few people understood how to use. The reality is, SEO isn’t rocket science. Some gurus...